Committee Organization
To accomplish the work of the party, we must be organized. Each critical function needs an owner with specific goals to achieve and a defined budget. Bylaw 5B1 allows the Chair to appoint "other committees as deemed appropriate." Here are the committees we have organized, please consider volunteering:
Credential Committee
Chair - Cache County GOP Secretary Pam Budge
Charter: prepare credentialing materials and process
Members - District Vice Chairs
Convention and Central Committee Meeting Committee
Chair: JoAnn Bennett
Charter: Arrange location, logistics, projector, sound, lectern, lobby, etc.
Members: District Chair + District Vice Chair + Party Volunteers
Lincoln Dinner Committee
Chair: County Vice Chair Natalie Levi
Charter: speaker, location, catering, entertainment, awards, table, swag
Members: District Chair + District Vice Chair + Party Volunteers
Parade Committee
Chair: Mike Porter
Charter: prepare float for easy setup, register, coordinate with campaigns
Members: District Chair + District Vice Chair + Precinct Officers + Party Volunteers
County Fair Committee
Chair: Sid Roderer
Charter: register, setup/takedown, manage staffing, elected officials
Members: District Chair + District Vice Chair + Party Volunteers
Constitution Day Picnic Committee
Chair: John Drew
Charter: location, catering, logistics, sound, lectern, commons area
Members: District Chair + District Vice Chair + Party Volunteers
TARS Committee
Charter: define goals, funding, events
Members: District Chair + District Vice Chair + Party Volunteers
How do we make this world class?
Service Committee
Charter: find service community service opportunities for party members
Members: District Chair + District Vice Chair + Party Volunteers
Caucus Committee
Charter: outstanding caucus experience
Members: Party Officers, District Chairs, District Vice Chairs
Election Support Committee
Chair: Jana Atkinson
Charter: coordinate poll watchers, volunteers from precincts on election day
Members: ?
Please volunteer to help on one of our committees by clicking the button below: