Contact List Policy
The following is an operational procedure for complying with Utah State Code, the Utah GOP State Party Constitution, and Cache County Bylaws with regard to the party contact list.
The contact list includes delegates, candidates, and elected party officials.
There are two purposes of the public contact list. First, to help delegates fulfill their duty to evaluate candidates in preparation to vote; second, to help party officers perform the work of the party.
Candidates who have filed for office* will receive an electronic copy of the list per our bylaws 5A4.1, 6B7, and 8H4 for use in their campaigns, and agree to delete and destroy all copies of the list, whether electronic or paper, immediately after the election.
Registered Cache County Republicans who desire to contact their precinct delegates to discuss candidates may request contact information from their precinct officers.
Registered Cache County Republicans who desire to contact their precinct officers may request their contact information from the party Secretary by emailing with their name and precinct. You can identify your precinct at
Any registered Cache County Republican, including signature-gathering candidates prior to the primary election, may inspect the County Party list of delegates, candidates, and elected party officers by making an appointment with the party Secretary. Inspection time is limited to fifteen minutes. Cameras and scanners are not allowed, written notes are allowed. Individuals and organizations may inspect the list once in a six month period.
(Approved unanimously by Cache GOP Executive Committee November 1, 2023)
*Candidates include County Council, County Official, State Representative, State Senator, County Party Officers and District Chairs, State Party Central Committee Members. State officer and federal candidates receive delegate lists from the state party.
For reference:
Utah Code 20A-8-401 Registered Political Parties - Bylaws, 2,a,v:
…a mechanism for making the names of delegates, candidates, and elected party officers available to the public shortly after they are selected;
Utah GOP Constitution, Article XII, Section 1, E,3:
Each county party shall make available to the public, within 14 days of the caucuses, a complete countywide listing of the Republican state and county delegates residing in that county.
All delegate listings shall include, at a minimum, the name, precinct, Utah House district, Utah Senate district, Congressional district, address, phone number, and basis of eligibility of each delegate (e.g., election in the precinct caucus, election after the caucuses to fill an unfilled seat, or appointment to fill a vacancy occurring after the caucuses).
The State Party and/or county parties may charge up to, but not more than, the direct cost of the medium by which a listing is made available to the person(s) so requesting, provided that any listing made available by electronic mail or on the Internet shall be made available at no charge.
Cache County GOP Bylaw 6B3:
The county chair and secretary shall prepare a complete register of all the names of the persons elected as delegates to the county nominating convention in the voting precincts; and make the register available for inspection by any county central committee member at reasonable times.