Special Election
County Clerk/Auditor
The County Council has notified the Cache Republican Party that David Benson, Cache County Clerk/Auditor, has resigned effective March 18, 2023. Therefore, pursuant to Utah Code 20A-1-508, the Cache County Republican Party has scheduled a special election to fill the vacancy.
The filing period closes at 5:00 PM on Saturday, April 6, 2024.
The Special Election will be held during the Nominating Convention on Saturday, April 13, 2024 at Mount Logan Middle School, 875 N 200 E in Logan. Credentialing will begin at 8:00 AM, the meeting will come to order at 9:00 AM.
The public is invited to attend, however, only members of the Cache County Republican Party Central Committee (including Precinct Officers) and County Delegates vote.
Candidates must meet the Qualifications for Candidate Filing Affidavit per Utah Code 20A-9-201. The winning candidate will serve out the remainder of the term. See the filing application for duties of the Clerk/Auditor and qualification requirements.
To file to run for the vacant County Clerk/Auditor position, please submit your application to chair@cachegop.com on or before the deadline mentioned above. After filing electronically, mail your signed paper application to Cache GOP, PO Box 43, Logan UT 84323. Good luck to all candidates!
Qualifications for COUNTY CLERK/AUDITOR
Utah Code 17-16-1; 20A-2-101.5; 20A-9-201; 20A-9-202
U. S. Citizen at time of filing.
A registered voter in the county.
At least a one year resident of the county immediately before the date of the election.
A registered member of the Republican party. Provide your voter registration number.
If ever been convicted of a felony:
All felony convictions have been expunged or
Ten years have passed since the most recent felony conviction and
All court-ordered fines and penalties have been paid
Probation is completed
Parole has been granted
Term of incarceration is completed
An individual who holds a county elected office may NOT, at the same time, hold a municipal elected office.